The integration of time-based single frequency double differencing carrier phasegps/micro-electromechanical system-based INS
L1GPS, MEMS- INS, Double differencing, IMU, Kalman FilterAbstract
The integration of Global Positioning System (GPS)/Inertial Navigation System (INS) is used to overcome the limitations of the two systems providing integrated system better than either on a stand-alone basis. Previous research shows that the integration of stand-alone code GPS/Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) based INS has a negative effect on the Inertial Measurement Unite (IMU)gyro measurements and may not add any improvements to the quality of individual GPS solution.Time based single frequency double differences carrier phase (TL1DD) is an accurate velocity estimation and relative positioning method based on L1 stand-alone carrier phase GPS observables. In this paper, the integration of TL1DD/MEMS-INS has been evaluated comparing to simultaneous precise navigation solution. The results show that a precise, high frequency, and reliable low-cost relative navigation solution can be obtained in open-sky areas, which can be used for a wide range of relative positioning engineering applications. The results show also and the high ability of the suggested technique to deal with cycle slips and its limitation in GPS-off areas.