Comprehensive Surgical Management of Chronic Suppurative Osteomyelitis Extending to The Lower Border of Mandible – A Case Report
Osteomyelitis, Suppurative, Debridment.Abstract
Background: Osteomyelitis of maxillofacial skeleton is common in developing countries such as India. This case report describes successful surgical treatment of chronic suppurative osteomyelitis {CSO} of the mandible of a 35yr old female. The precipitating factor was thought to be eventful extraction in the {left } posterior body at the inferior border of mandible.
Methods: Presurgical course of antibiotics ( Amoxycillin and metronidazole for 7 days and later followed by doxycycline for 1 month).Surgical debridement of the affected bone and reinforcing it with reconstruction plate using AO principles was done. Patient was kept on a high nutrient diet consisting of proteins.
Conclusion: The case report demonstrates the typical features of CSO. The combination of the antibiotics therapy and surgical debridement was successful in the treatment of chronic suppurative osteomylitis.